Sunday, February 22, 2009

Just thinking

My mom died of cancer when I was very young.. It will be in a few days, the day she died. Its late now, I have no idea why I am typing this. In all these years I have never understood why I miss her. I can hardly remember what am I missing?
Still, she seems to be the most wonderful and amazing person that ever lived on this planet. And I can't get over the fact that I will never get to know her.
I find it hard when my friends argue with their mothers. I think of time wasted, of what I could do with that time, had I had it.
I wish she was here to assist me in things. Maybe she is, maybe she is here with me and she supports me through all the things, more so than she could ever do were she still alive.
But, I wonder, how would life be were she here now, beside me


Anonymous said...

I am sorry about your mom. Mine died several years ago and I always think of her on the anniversary of her death.

It must have been hard growing up without your mom. I'll bet she was with you a lot through out the years. It was probably very hard for her to leave this earth with you so young.

I believe our loved ones are with us at times after they die. I could feel my mom a lot the first year, but not so much now. I think she is busy getting to know everyone where she is. That is what she loved to do the most. But I think she still watches over us.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for your loss. Of course
you'll get to know her in heaven.
And she does watch over you, and part of her liveson in you.

Maybe light a candle for her?

Hidden Sage said...

I bet she really was an amazing and wondrous person; maintaining that image of her in your heart is a gift. She will always be the perfect mom, and she's probably watching over you as pass through life.

Mothers are the most beautiful of God's creation. Whether or not they are with us, their essence leaves a permanent mark saturated with love and beauty.

American Muslima Writer said...

I'm sorry to hear about your Mom,

subhanAllah we each loose something dear to us adn realize that those that have it take it for granted. be it children, parents, spouses, or even objects. Naturally it is a part of Gods Plan and Will that you turned out the way you did because of the loss of your mother. no one can really know if you would turn into one of those bickering families but I do know it has made you wiser and stronger.
Much Love to you, brandy (Aminah)

rericson said...

Just wanted to let you know that I stop in and take a look at your blog, from time to time. I have a link on mine for yours as I get many plural wives visiting....

I also wanted to share a bit....
I also lost my mother when I was very young. I was three, and I'm older than dirt, now, so it was a long, long time ago. And I too have few concrete memories of her. But I have a couple of images that I am sure are real....and Iknow she has been with me, guiding and inspiring, throughout my life. I know she is very much alive in my children and yours is too....
If you lie quietly and focus on her, you will know she is there....

gr8fultohimswt said...

I'm so sorry ..reading your blog makes me feel so sad..I can somewhat relate to you in regards to me losing one of my Parents(my Father and also my Grandfather who raised me) breaks my heart to see others take their own Fathers and Grandfathers for granted cause I will never be able to feel their embrace or hear their voices ever again.

Thinking of you during this difficult time 3rd..hugz to ya

Donald said...

Right. We should never take for granted the time we have with those we love — parents, children, husbands, wives, friends…

Praying for you 3rd.

3rd... said...

Thanks all.. very kind comments. They helped

(brandy, what happened to THM? email me,

Anonymous said...

I can empathize with you. I pray for your strength.

My grandfather is sick now, but I must work like a dog to avoid losing my job. Too many rely on me to take a break.

I wish I could be there for him the way I was not for my mother.

Mothers are so special, even more so than regular family. Your feelings are normal.